Did you ever have a friend that asked you for a favor, and then when you did that favor, they didn’t say “Thanks,” they said, “And…”?

That’s what my brain did to my body minutes after the Quad swim.

My time was 25 seconds better than the baseline time I posted at the start of my training. That was such a boost to my competitive spirit that my mind immediately moved to the bike, and how to exceed my expectations in that event as well. My body was proud of its humble achievement, but my brain said, “And one more thing…”

Isn’t it funny how we are? “If the Pirates just had a .500 season, I’d be thrilled.” But then, with a stack of wins and October fast approaching the tune quickly changes to, “Just get past the play-in game, at least.”

It’s frustrating and beguiling but it’s also essential to achieve anything worthwhile. And hey, sometimes it’s just too daunting to put the carrot on a stick too long. But once we get those three more reps, what’s another two?

Pushing through those initial miles on the bike I thought that if my mind and body ever went through couple’s therapy there would be some uncomfortable moments on the subjects of honesty and expectations. But in the meantime, I hope they can keep up the charade for just a few more events, and then I’ll let ‘em relax.
