Well, it’s taken me almost as long to put down my thoughts on jumping in the water at the 30th Highmark QUAD Swim as it did to cover the 100-yards.


Thought #1 – Getting old is rough.  Having done the QUAD’s 10th, 20th and 25th Anniversary, I can recall my preparation for those swims and they were nothing compared to this time.  Maybe I didn’t spend as much time in the pool as I could have but this time I worked more on my stroke than ever, really concentrating on form and focus for the event.  The result was my slowest time of any previous QUAD Swim.  I hate when that happens.  I ascribe this to the gravity of age.  At age 61, the earth’s pull seems to be more successful in getting hold of me.


Thought #2 – I didn’t hate it like I thought I would.  I dreaded the clock as it wound each day toward the moment I would toss my gear in a bag and get in the car to head to the pool.  I can testify that I will NEVER get a speeding ticket on the way to a swim workout.  I am in No Hurry.  However, once I got there, got changed, got in and literally got into the swim . . .hey, not so bad.  Swimming is an equal opportunity workout.  It gets ALL the muscles and afterwards there is a very satisfying feeling.  

Sometimes a man just CANNOT get enough oxygen . . .

Thought #3 – There is a positive carry-over for sure.  It’s been great over the years to hear so many stories from participants that began with Great Anxiety over the QUAD swim, then conquered that fear and are now very accomplished swimmers.  While that isn’t the case with me, I have taken all the swim positives and carried them to the swimming I really love: long, slow, splashing cool swims inLake Erie on these hot swimmer days.


Thought #4 – There is No Whining in QUAD swimming.  Well, there is but there is no place for it and the incredible examples of swimmers of all abilities at the 30th Highmark QUAD Swim is far and away, the greatest set of role-model examples in existence and therefore wipes out any thought of discouraging word.


What it is that you all do . . . it’s just flat out awesome!  Thanks for letting me join in.